Author, Personality Type & Behavioral Change Expert


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Contact Anne for a free introductory discussion. 

Leadership & Life Coaching Process

An effective coaching process starts with an assessment of current reality, and a desired future state.  Whether it is leadership coaching or life coaching, the Coaching Process consists of 5 steps:

1. Contracting
A initial meeting to define expectations takes place before the individual coaching begins. During the meeting, we identify goals, objectives and barriers to behavioral change. We also determine the specific results that can be expected from the coaching sessions. Milestones and timelines for development are also determined during this meeting. 

2. Comprehensive Assessment
The second step in the Coaching Process is the assessment of the personality and emotional intelligence. Anne uses a number of psychometric assessments (Striving Styles Personality Assessment, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Emotional Quotient Inventory as well as other Leadership Competency Assessments or 360 Feedback Indicator). The assessment results clearly illustrate areas of strength as well as those requiring attention. This paints a clear picture for development, and focuses and informs the coaching process.

3. Interpretation Session and Planning
During the session, we interpret the results of the personality assessment and how it impacts the individual's approach to relationships, their emotional needs, and their self-protective behaviors. We offer insight into their interpersonal dynamics while creating a roadmap for their development. During the interpretation session, the coach will identify barriers to success and answer any questions about the coaching process. At the end of the session, a plan for next steps, assigned reading and other homework will be given to the leader. 

4. Ongoing Coaching Sessions
Coaching sessions are conducted weekly or biweekly, in person, by phone, Facetime or Skype.  During the sessions, the coach focuses the conversation on current issues and introduces tools for the leader to use at work (i.e. conflict resolution planner, feedback planner, meeting management tools, etc.). The leader participates by bringing issues to be resolved, by experimenting with new behaviors, and by identifying barriers to their development. 

The coach ensures the milestones are being met and the ground rules are being followed, and the coaching process continues to be focused on the leader's and organization's business needs.

5. Reviewing and Maintaining Success
Following the agreed upon period of coaching, an abridged version of the initial assessment is conducted to determine the impact of the Coaching Process on the individual and the organization. The results of the assessment give credit for progress and address areas in which changes are still required. The results are shared with key stakeholders to further the development of the leader.

Research shows that this type of review is a critical factor in the success of the entire coaching process and encourages further development by demonstrating concrete results.